Dataset Information
The SoftWare Marketplace (SWM) Review dataset was collected by crawling all the software product (app) reviews under the entertainment category from a popular online software marketplace. These products consist of a diverse set of subcategories (e.g. games, movies, news, sports). The complete collection includes 1, 132, 373 reviews from 966, 842 unique users for 15, 094 apps and spans 198 weeks between July 2008 and April 2012. As part of a review, a user rates a product from 1 (worst) to 5 (best).
Source (citation)
L. Akoglu, R. Chandy, and C. Faloutsos. Opinion fraud detection in online reviews by network effects. In ICWSM, 2013.
Junting Ye and Leman Akoglu. Discovering Opinion Spammer Groups by Network Footprints. ECML/PKDD, Porto, Portugal, Sep. 2015.
Junting Ye, Santhosh Kumar and Leman Akoglu. Temporal Opinion Spam Detection by Multivariate Indicative Signals. ICWSM, Cologne, Germany, May. 2016.
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